Compositor v9 on iMac 24

New Year’s sale of 2025!

Continuing the New Year holidays of 2025, Compositor Software offers Compositor v9 at a price 50% lower in the App Store from 14.01.2025 to 21.01.2025. This is the first sale since Compositor Software joined the App Store. Hurry up, the sale is limited! Compositor v9 is a DRM station responsible for synchronizing the rights to musical works on the Internet.…

radiotelescope render

Full Right Ascension to Orthodox Christmas

Another great achievement of Ruslan Yusipov’s radio telescope is the full Right Ascension on January 7, 2025. The entire session includes two 30-minute time code dumps each with more than 600,000 packets sent. This achievement can only be made using a virtual radio telescope, not a real one, because the dish of a real radio telescope cannot follow the path…

Compositor RAD256 inside Logic Pro 10

Sharing the Compositor clock gene VST plugin

This is my development I made after studying in GITR institute. It is Compositor VST/AU plugin. It was tested only in demo version of Nuendo 12. In Nuendo I mixed an episode of Russian TV series “Znaharka” with this plugin on a first audio channel. It is working in Logic Pro 10 also. It has the following characteristics: Characteristics: Download…

Calabi-Yau manifold

History of the creation of SASER 2.0

History of the creation of SASER 2.0 The first SASER was released back in 2016, it was available as Standalone on the Max 6 platform and as Max for Live device. However, Cycling ’74’s policy with the release of SASER has changed. In Max 7, the internal structure of Gen~ patching was changed, which made it impossible to organize the…

Autonomous virtual fx with user interface

So, in this guide, I will consider working with the RTC4k application on Android OS as a standalone virtual effect with a user interface. The first thing to say: plugins for Android from Compositor Software can be used to recruit recipients and multiplex programs in the Android operating system.

Ableton Live 11 Support

Ableton Live 11 support

Ableton Live 11 support Ableton Live 11 supported by mostly all Compositor Software products. On the image below, you can see the chart of all Web Shop products supported by Ableton Live 11.0 initial version. Even MDL12 v1.2.1 with feedback suppression works as a charm. Ping locates servers, multiplier changes, resynthesis happens, infinite closed-loop works. Compositor Max for Live on…

What you think you are doing vs. What you are really doing

What you think you are doing vs. What you are really doing The main purpose of the VPN-network of the “Niagara” 26 software modem is the processing of the language, both natural and machine-generated. When paired with SDL Trados software, this modem extends the network topology for the Machine Translation cloud. This is done through software extensions, as it was…

Compositor v9 in the studio

RTOS version 9.0.2 a16 assembled

RTOS version 9.0.2 a16 assembled It took more than 1.5 years to work on solving the problem of Compositor AV Extended interface break-through (which is the main interface of RTOS). This problem occurred during the dial-up of routing tables for establishing a tunnel connection. The way to recreate it: first, RTOS protocols are dialed by injecting routing tables into them,…

Niagara project

Niagara project This autumn has started from a very interesting project. While I continued working on Compositor v9.0.1 (current build a14), I felt a need to have such system as mobile real-time operation system (RTOS). Compositor v9.0.1 a14 consumes many resources at 192 kHz and I decided to sample it using Compositor v9.0.1 itself. At this time, the approach of…

Zero-Layer Aggregation

Zero-Layer Aggregation Exactly a year ago, when all modules of Compositor RTOS were formed, I was confronted with the task: to make such aggregation, which would not have committed the emission in the RAM memory of the computer (server). A year later, the problem is solved. It was required to complete assembly of Compositor RTOS 9.0.1 a14 with an extended…