Compositor Library On 18 May, 2018 I released 6 extensions of Compositor Library. The following loops released for purchase: AB, BD, CG, RY, SR, SC. AB (Alpha Bounces) is a final library in the preparation set for Hypervisor v7. It consists of 136 loops. This set of 4 libraries consists also of MB (Mesh Bounces), BB (Beta Bounces), HB (High…
Hypervisor v9 – Active broadband security system Server is a machine capable to work an unlimited period theoretically. Nevertheless, even the best machines faults and overrun the resources of random access memory. It raises a question about an installation of such machines algorithm directly into recipient consciousness. Brain is the biological computer, which is most powerful and lengthy resource, which…
Hypervisor v9 – wavetables and counteragents When you use wavetables with quantized generics, the later try to balance the wavetable behavior in the ether. That is why they are also the best counteragents. Wavetables should be balanced with counteragents of generic feeders. When the emitted wavetable tries to aggregate offensive traffic, the counteragent works. It balances the system functioning and…
More than 1000 loops are in exciter library The loops library reached the important threshold of 1000 wave tables. The whole number of exciters is 1132 loops now. For the last week, the library was expanded by following marks: CB, CG, SR and RMY. These loops were made as an emission bounded by Royalty project. My vision of Royalty project…
Ether tracks emission To perform the emission of a track from the ether you need to receive ether aggregators. Each ether aggregator recorded in a wavetable. The 64-bit floating-point format is used for devices with 64-bit encoding. For my work, it is enough to fixate the ether aggregator with 24-bit resolution, because I do not use them for data transferring,…