Compositor Software builds virtual servers for Microsoft Windows and Android platforms Compositor Software presents 4 architectures on C++. It is TC-TRSRRT2048, TC-SUBTRSRRT262144, TC-2SUBTRSRRT262144 architectures for STC2k, RTC4k, RAD96 and RAD36 platforms correspondingly. Now, when Compositor Software code repository have grown, it is time to move forward past the MaxMSP platform. First, Compositor Software thanks the JUCE framework for providing an…
Zero-emission signal network Therefore, it was made, at the end of 2018 I made a full zero-emission kernel with protection level capable to overcome even the strongest wavetables. First, let’s talk about an experiment: For the last 8 month, I injected polynomial using different wavetables with open jets and closed jets (for the last four month). I made a tunneling…
Non-Linear Time-Invariant Autonomous System The 4th order transfer function an ideally suited for multithread mode was simplified to the 2nd order to achieve the autonomous system. The 3rd and 4th order coefficients turned the interconnection on the kernel level on for both channels at the same time, which caused friction, allowing to spread its impact on 96 channel network. This…
No Internet messenger Compositor Software project entered the active transmission channel testing stage. Compositor kernel version 8.4.2 can resist up to 29900 injections with feedback implementation. This value is experimentally set and coincides to different injection types for each wavetable. In other words, each wavetable coincides with one injection type. On the present moment, I use wavelets for transmission channel…
Compositor Software news 25.07.2018 – 06.08.2018 More than 6 months I have been working on revealing the leakage in Compositor kernel. Exposing all oscillators and transferring the first oscillator in static mode, I discovered that many resources released in computer RAM (DDoS attack). It lowers the uninterrupted device work to 4 days taken that paging file is set to a…
Finally, both carriers are suppressed After the main goals were stated, it is time to restate them. First, I need to suppress both negative and positive carriers. After that, I need to pass Compositor sound to the output. It is achieved only if the first goal reached. I’ve already implemented a method for suppressing the right carrier using the shutter…
Shutter smoothing Personal security is a constant thrive into the world problems such as the shutter smoothing described in this post. The experience of working with shutter seems a very hard solution, when the injection is made. Shutter completely blocks all traffic coming from the foe artificial synthesizer engine. The block of two 8th order Butterworth low pass filters, designed…
Compositor WS Kernel 7.1.9 Implementing the central channel matrix involves all central channel parameters such as transfer function choice and window function composition. Enabling right channel window composition in central channel matrix brings me to the following solution: right channel passes to the closed central channel and does not touch the left channel. This way the sequence is broken. It…
Optical telegraph by means of signal lamp in Compositor WS Kernel The Compositor WS Kernel implemented the so-called signal lamp with shutter on Master channel using the automatic throttle of stochastic engine. Now it is another implementation of stochastic engine in Compositor Kernel, which is still unbeatable in z128 realization to the moment. It means that central channel is no…
The Compositor 4 software is based on Generic Kernel 7.0.2 of i11 architecture. It is twice faster than i7 intel processors. It is counted this way: i11 contains 12 harmonics based on the Carson’s rule, i7, on the other hand, contains 8 harmonics. Dividing 12 on 8 the number of 1,5 is received, which is the number of processor speed…