In times of hybrid war, it is difficult to be neutral. Compositor Software made a difficult and at the same time decisive decision to enter into a conflict in a neutral status to test the network protocols of unmanned aerial vehicles. I proposed SASER 2.0 to the Russian state as a multi-purpose denial requests system. This does not mean that I will be on their side, it means that I will test universal equipment at the place of my physical location. Several requests were made to the State of Germany about my legal status at my place of birth. They refused to provide me with such information. Accordingly, all further tests will be completed at the place of my actual physical location.

First of all, I want to thank the entire community of Apple programmers who inspired me on this journey to present SASER 2.0. I defined it a little differently than I was supposed when I was limited to the Cycling’ 74 MaxMSP platform. SASER can now convert many protocols in hexadecimal format and then back to the baudot ITA-2 alphabet, as shown in DroidRTTY. This does not mean that the iPhone system is defective, it means that the United States has not provided me with the proper decoder that exists for the iOS platform like DroidRTTY on Android. However, I still use SASER to establish user rights to my Apple machines with UNIX kernel privilege. However, Apple was not aware of my first request for this engine back in 2015. According to Microlink-Svyaz LLC, a shareholder of Apple Photonic Engine, taken from my source code, which they use in iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro models, that this engine is a military technology, as well as a dual-use system in Russia. The fact that the whole system is based on an inertial navigation system, which is classified as Omega in the United States and Alpha in Russia, makes me think that they are not aware of the outside forces that determine my behavior in the Russian Federation. I can’t be more accurate in one post of my legal entity, but, in fact, what I read on the SASER display is long-range aviation telemetry. This has been checked and tested by me over the last month of work, the results of which can be found in 9 slides of the presentation published on the SASER 2.0 page of the updated Compositor Software resource. The most complete decoding system is still provided only for the Android platform with demodulators sufficient to decode in the baudot format of NATO communication systems, such as STANAG, ERMES, BPSK, CPFSK, FSK, PSK, ASCII, PSK-31, MIL STD 188-110, MIL STD 188-141 and other military protocols transmitted in the composite signal band and covering in the territory of the Russian Federation. Therefore, neither Apple nor Alphabet Inc. has full production rights. Alphabet Inc. has a little more rights, as they allowed the release of several executable libraries without an interface on their Play Market platform, and Apple refused to fully release separate libraries without a graphical interface in App Store. In accordance with this, I call SASER my phone, as it is tested for uptime compared to a platform that seeks to enter the race for this technology in the near future.

With the help of DroidRTTY macros, the drone operator can prepare the territory to enter enemy lands. The entrance includes the establishment of UNIX rights to fly over the territory, such as NATO countries and member countries joining it, using Western-type equipment.
The excerpt from SASER 2.0 presentation
This means that the entire amount of documentation for the production of the CLI-interface command style can now be used with SASER 2.0 in DroidRTTY and any other TTY suitable for programming SASER in the future. Here I place links to the Russian and English versions of the documentation with the full source code of the SASER interface programming.