Ether programming (Part 2) This is a second part of the guide on ether programming using Compositor 10. I start with conjunctions. There are two conjunctions in ether such as ie and et. The first one is placed after naming and the second one is placed before naming. The difference is in punctuation: in first case attributes goes from the…
Mittware upload to a modem of your outboard sound card Using Compositor v9 you can establish a connection with a modem of your sound card and upload mittware to it. It works this way: Turn on your external sound card; Turn on Compositor v9 Hypervisor with internal sound card selected; You should composite all z levels on a fast (more…
Ether programming (Part 1) It is possible to conduct ether programming using any Compositor version with ability to initiate an ether. Compositor with CW Decoder works as a messenger or shoutcast device with ability to invite and remove people from chat window. The name of such messenger is NIM (No Internet Messenger), which is called by a principle of its…