
Superstar Architecture

Superstar Architecture Compositor generates a link layer frame of the OSI model and TCP/IP (Modernized version). It encapsulates information into the frame of the Ethernet from the network, transport and application layers. It forms a Z-frame similar to the PDH T-carrier used in North America and Japan. This frame is needed to encapsulate TCP/IP levels into the system of the…


Combining two districts into a single communication line using a virtual router RAD96

Combining two districts into a single communication line using a virtual router RAD96 Good afternoon! Today I am ready to present you my newest achievement: a united communication line between the two districts. This was achieved by the most complex works of many hours of programming the Compositor operating system. As a result, I have a full-fledged communication line with…

Compositor v9 in the studio

RTOS version 9.0.2 a16 assembled

RTOS version 9.0.2 a16 assembled It took more than 1.5 years to work on solving the problem of Compositor AV Extended interface break-through (which is the main interface of RTOS). This problem occurred during the dial-up of routing tables for establishing a tunnel connection. The way to recreate it: first, RTOS protocols are dialed by injecting routing tables into them,…

The dumps future workstations can only read

The dumps future workstations can only read We are get used to 8-bit SysEx dumps, many of us even listened to their audio presentations. However, how the dump of modern embedded real-time operation system sounds? Let’s start with the fact that modern operation system is 64-bit, which gives almost 8 times more dynamic range, than 8-bit dump. Moreover, RTOS dumps…

Summarizing the 2018

Summarizing the 2018 The 2018 started from a trip to Saint Petersburg in February. At that time, I haven’t knew what program I will demonstrate: 5th or 6th. At the end, I decided to show the 6th. I had a wavetable pool around 500 wavetables to that moment. I played all wavetables, initiated the Ether and mostly satisfied with this…

Spectral polarizer

Spectral polarizer Changing a multiplier the algorithm sets the curvature of time function. Spectral matching with algorithm happens by synchronous analysis of non-harmonic timbre (SANT). Using this algorithm, it can detect temperature characteristics of all mirroring points. The mirror network combines into the interferometer, which processed into polarizer by projection and rotation in 4-dimensional quaternion space. The background color displays…

Non-Linear Time-Invariant Autonomous System

Non-Linear Time-Invariant Autonomous System The 4th order transfer function an ideally suited for multithread mode was simplified to the 2nd order to achieve the autonomous system. The 3rd and 4th order coefficients turned the interconnection on the kernel level on for both channels at the same time, which caused friction, allowing to spread its impact on 96 channel network. This…

No, Compositor RAD96 doesn’t use CUDA cores

No, Compositor RAD96 doesn’t use CUDA cores Series of tests were conducted with NVIDIA profiler to prove that none of 480 cores of Compositor RIG 1 uses CUDA technology. At first, I ran an app of five RAD96 on a single CPU core at 192 kHz audio driver rate. That gave 480 hyperbolic cores at frequencies from 90 GHz to…

Ether excitation for achieving faster information exchange speed

Ether excitation for achieving faster information exchange speed The main value from Compositor Software work is loop files, which are released as obligations for the company ICO. No other material guaranties needed. For peering only loop files and Compositor Software distributions are used. Resynthesis is not needed, because only original ethers are used taken as a company input files. Compositor…