Ableton Live 11 Support

Ableton Live 11 support

Ableton Live 11 support Ableton Live 11 supported by mostly all Compositor Software products. On the image below, you can see the chart of all Web Shop products supported by Ableton Live 11.0 initial version. Even MDL12 v1.2.1 with feedback suppression works as a charm. Ping locates servers, multiplier changes, resynthesis happens, infinite closed-loop works. Compositor Max for Live on…

MDL12 beat independent for autonomous solution

MDL12 beat independent for autonomous solution MDL12 v1.2.1 beat independent has the auto mode and independent frequency tuning. In this solution beat independent version is used in auto mode. It means that frequency tunings made automatically as switches in broadband spectrum. Now MDL12 product contains both beat dependent and beat independent versions in one purchase. For 43 Euro you get…

Compositor v3 Hypervisor AI – the race for supremacy

Compositor v3 AI capable of not only musically arranging the events, but also intonating the notes with the use of the local area network, based on virtual simulation of radio ether. Such local area network mostly reminds neural networks. However, Spherical Interaction Network, the way it is called in Compositor Software, may produce more human-like results by the factor of…

Making Intergalactic Phone Call in Ableton Live 9 (Video)

New palette in Compositor Software SASER CS16RT5 achieved by setting Ableton Live 9 tempo to maximum available 999 bpm. At this tempo analog pulse signal repeated with the speed, which reminds dialing a number in analog telephone line. In this video you can watch what tunings were made in SASER CS16RT5 to achieve tonal and analog dialing at the same…

Compositor Software Hypervisor Radio Shack

During the perfection and in attempt to create more stable technology Compositor Software arranged its modules in the Radio Shack structure. By means of virtual machines, the Ableton Live 9 or MaxMSP suits as a platform for hosting micro-kernel machines such as AI-RT1024, FF8, N9000 and TC25. These machines feeds SASER channel with an approximation curve inherited from an RTC8k…

Compositor Software devices for music production

In this video I will show you the special method of work, due to it you can produce a techno track in 20 minutes or less using MDL12 Max for Live and other Compositor Software feeders. The artificial network produces the feedback loops out of submitted material. You can receive loops for parts such as basslines, melodies and percussion. Enjoy!

Exalted is Compositor Software endorser

After three decades of growth as an artist, Ruslan Yusipov uses Exalted alias again for an album design for Compositor Software. Selections is a stochastic experiment of snapshots inside MaxMSP software. How snapshots influences our lives and how they stored on computer. Exalted puts it inside the two-channel AVOX decks inside Ableton Live 9 and mixes for reminiscent feeling of…