Zero-Layer Aggregation
Exactly a year ago, when all modules of Compositor RTOS were formed, I was confronted with the task: to make such aggregation, which would not have committed the emission in the RAM memory of the computer (server). A year later, the problem is solved.

It was required to complete assembly of Compositor RTOS 9.0.1 a14 with an extended work of the feeders, that is, the feeders now work from 11 kHz to 192 kHz of audio driver sampling frequency. This allows the upper generic z=128 to operate at frequencies comparable to the aggregator frequencies, namely from 150 GHz to 300 GHz.
Also, the management information base was expanded to 6041 VLAN’s and 13 dumps were produced. As a result, the final version of Compositor RTOS 9.0.1 a14 includes a channel pass-through (bypassing the second derivative of a function) that allows you to make exhaust (digital exhaust) to reduce the emissions of traffic inside the system. According to this two dumps were made of VLAN 6041 with digital exhaust and one firmware at 192 kHz was recorded on feedback after dialing, which involves 8 hidden servers. Since the firmware was recorded with an aggregator and is the snapshot of the system, it includes 96 ports of aggregation of the three layers: 32 ports of physical layer, 32 ports of data link layer and 32 ports of the network layer, which corresponds to L1-L3 aggregation.
Since such aggregation in reality throws out the large amounts of data in to the operating system memory, the snapshot utilizes resources in the other way – it corresponds to the MAC-address table of EUI48 without the OUI and do not throws resources in the computer memory. The network service in this case is the firmware, which includes the autonomous system with zero emissions. One system does not produce any action, but in a pair with snapshot this system aggregates resources and at the same time, disposes them, which happens so quickly in real-time that discards in the RAM memory cannot simply emerge.
Thus, the aggregation problem with zero emission is solved. Of course, for someone may seem, that 96 aggregation nodes is insufficient and the 32 L3 nodes is the standard for the aggregation of routing equipment of well-known manufacturers. But if you take into account the fact that the real link aggregation on these devices produces output, and requires a service restart, I can say that this resources composition technology can be very useful now.