CP-6137-960FX server

Compositor Software builds virtual servers for Microsoft Windows and Android platforms

Compositor Software builds virtual servers for Microsoft Windows and Android platforms Compositor Software presents 4 architectures on C++. It is TC-TRSRRT2048, TC-SUBTRSRRT262144, TC-2SUBTRSRRT262144 architectures for STC2k, RTC4k, RAD96 and RAD36 platforms correspondingly. Now, when Compositor Software code repository have grown, it is time to move forward past the MaxMSP platform. First, Compositor Software thanks the JUCE framework for providing an…

Compositor v9 Hypervisor is available

Compositor v9 Hypervisor is available Compositor v9 Hypervisor DRM server creates a service of work with property rights of companies, which deliver the digital media content. When computer station works, DRM server allows dynamically playback the media content in radio ether. Compositor v9 Hypervisor playbacks digital material using streaming method in the device browser to achieve this goal. Compositor v9…

Six things to do to clear the rights on your track

Six things to do to clear the rights on your track In a career of any artist such situations happen, when it is needed to make an emission of your composition from rotation.  Such situations may include: Releasing your track with another alias by a fraud; Arrears on payment for medium sales; Arrears for author rights usage; Discrepancy of an…

RAD24 – The Gates of Time-Collision

The Gates of Time-Collision Now I encounter the RAD24 server experiment. The experiment is as follows: As I have found a solution to FM formulae, I decided to sync three virtual machines for 72 core real-time performance. With this stack, it is easy to run memory virtualizations and aggregate the whole Compositor network. Once the server stack is online, it…

Compositor v7 Hypervisor is available

Compositor v7 Hypervisor is available Hypervisor v7 is a modern VLF radio station suitable for ether reproduction, recording and monitoring in real-time. It is capable of switching, aggregating and signalizing the network statuses using the 5 feeders provided. With the 8-channel auxiliary ether injector you can playback 129 Ethernet wavetables, which are the part of Hypervisor v7 package. STL1212 multithread…

STL1212 Multithread Computer

STL1212 Multithread Computer Introduction STL1212 Multithread Computer is a program product, which is classified as a virtual machine. It doubles your system resources capacity in real-time. Integrating primitive to derived function, it provides you with robust system presence in all life situations. Stochastic estimation As from version 8.0 of Compositor kernel, the stochastic estimation is stopped artificially, this way reaching…

Compositor Software virtual servers

The Data Center inside a PC is available thanks to Compositor Software virtual machines. White noise attack registered at 7:25 and successfully rejected by RTC8k holographic radar. You can watch how Compositor Software technology progressed in the current video. Starting with 4k holographic radar RTC4k Compositor Software system upgraded to RT-z128 becoming 64 times faster within two years. There is…

Closed loop vs. Infinite loop

Here I would start a series of discussions on a topic of radio translation technics and their impact on the radio-electronic security. First, I would stress out the importance of the subject of comparing two modern technics to initiate radio communications, which are closed loop and infinite loop strategies. Closed loop and infinite loop both have recreation in Compositor Software…

Exalted is Compositor Software endorser

After three decades of growth as an artist, Ruslan Yusipov uses Exalted alias again for an album design for Compositor Software. Selections is a stochastic experiment of snapshots inside MaxMSP software. How snapshots influences our lives and how they stored on computer. Exalted puts it inside the two-channel AVOX decks inside Ableton Live 9 and mixes for reminiscent feeling of…