STL1212 Multithread Computer
STL1212 Multithread Computer is a program product, which is classified as a virtual machine. It doubles your system resources capacity in real-time. Integrating primitive to derived function, it provides you with robust system presence in all life situations.
Stochastic estimation
As from version 8.0 of Compositor kernel, the stochastic estimation is stopped artificially, this way reaching the purpose of machine learning experiment. The median value for the processor speed estimated at 4.45 GHz, making whole virtual machine worth of $10000 iMac Pro, 10 core system with Xeon processors. Having such guest virtual machine on your desktop, you are enabling virtual cloud resources, which are utilized for main operation system work.
Resources utilization
STL1212 multithread computer enables to load up to 8 z modules in a patcher. It is possible by utilizing 8 real-time uncrossed loops. Besides of 8 real-time uncrossed loops, STL1212 consists of 8 signal-rate, 8 transmission-rate Compositor cores, totaling 24 cores for true multithread performance. One Compositor core equals the complete Compositor Max for Live instrument or 8 RT-z128 OS, if signal-rate and transmission-rate layers taken in account.
Resources utilization in Hypervisor v7
Because of STL1212 computer usage, which has a true multitasking and uncrosses 8 real-time loops, Compositor virtual machine resources utilized. Hypervisor v7 consists of RTC4k, RTC8k, RT-z8, RT-z16, RT-z32 virtual machines. They are working in the STL1212 process time, which has 24 counting cores for three layers.
Resources control
STL1212 achieves dynamic control over resources on the installed machine. That is why you will never run out of resources, even if your machine is under full load. The end of 2017 showed an ability to make network flushes, using RT-z128 anonymous shutter engine. Now STL1212 achieves such shuttering in a multi-core environment. From one side, it helps to flush more anonymously further and from the other side, to employ active cores for computational tasks, while other cores flushing.
Loading time
Full version loading time is 4 hours. It reaches the comparable system for 3 hours 40 minutes apart of 20 minutes compilation time. All comparable systems displayed as dots on the STL1212 display.