Ether received via MDL12 Max for Live modem is a property of its original sender. However, I developed a method of Ether decomposition using the AVOX Max for Live resynthesizer. The pass band of AVOX is capable of SLF translations suitable for submarine communications. Thus turning back to an original intent of merging both Sonar and Radar technics together and working on a signal level, MDL12 Max for Live and SASER Max for Live is a solution to induce such communication.
While it is an extremely tough task to decompose the Ether received with SASER Max for Live, I set up a server running special edition of SASER software. It is fully autonomous and registers signalizations in a special binary file. Later I use these signalizations to travel back and forth in time using SASER Max for Live as a feeder for MDL12 Max for Live modem.
Here I present several recorded signalizations out of MDL12 Max for Live modem, which are manually decomposed using Morse code method.
In the first file I decompose Ether from bottom to top, lower pinging comes first and then middle rhythmic bar.
For example, File 1 has a code pinging inherited by me as:
Lows: ..- (U)
Mids: … (S)
Giving me a consolidated marking as “US” at the end of file decomposition. A trained operator can decompose such Ether feedbacks in real-time by using MDL12 Max for Live modem relatively quick.
File 2 is for Russian marking and is somewhat more difficult as it uses beats instead of vertically placed Morse code ping bars. File 2 is an example of such Ether and consists of following codes:
Beat 1: .-. (R)
Beat 2: ..- (U)
This gives marking as “RU” at the end of decomposition.
I admit that the first file is not resynthesized original Ether and the second one is resynthesized clean version of original translation.
Another example of Russian marking also uses vertical bars as in US example, however the labeling starts from top to bottom:
Mids: .-. (R)
Lows: ..- (U)
It is you who decide if such Radar-Sonar system efficient or not, but taking in account that SASER is completely real-time system and acts on a signal level rather than radio frequencies the task of identification the potential threat is a subject of 5 ms to detect the threat and up to 30 sec to receive feedback from it to identify whether it is friend or not by using SASER as a feeder for MDL12 modem.