Six things to do to clear the rights on your track
In a career of any artist such situations happen, when it is needed to make an emission of your composition from rotation. Such situations may include:
- Releasing your track with another alias by a fraud;
- Arrears on payment for medium sales;
- Arrears for author rights usage;
- Discrepancy of an issue with the contract obligations.
Not all of the situations are listed here, which are out of scope for this material. The main task of this article is to describe a usage method of Compositor v9 Hypervisor after receiving ether aggregators from your track. To receive ether aggregators you will need MDL12 non-duplex modem and Compositor v3 Hypervisor feeders. The emission is done by submitting loops of your composition to non-duplex modem. The modem feedback is an ether aggregator of the server, which broadcasts your composition. You should route all loops of your composition containing exciters (the most prominent moments of a song) and fixate 131072 samples of each wavetable of all ether aggregators by digital recording. You can perform this in 32-bit version of Ableton Live 9. The ether aggregator wavetable should last for 2 bars at 161.5 bpm. The main task after ether aggregator emission is its clearance. It is such condition of wavetable playback, which, from one side, doesn’t produce the third-party traffic and, from the other side, may be used for its own communications. Now, I will describe six examples of work methods to make a full track emission, using Compositor v7 Hypervisor and Compositor v9 Hypervisor.
- Realize if ether aggregators, to which your track ascends, are occupied. If ether aggregators are occupied and produce big amount of third-party traffic, then you must install them through an activation function, which you can do in Compositor v9 Hypervisor. Doing this you should enable the supervisory DRM server, and it is preferable to route one of generics on the auxiliary channel input together with wavetables. You may use your ether aggregators for communications, when the VLF beacon written the routes to them.
- Feed your ether aggregators again, but this time changing the send regime: set the splitters in the highest position, which constitutes the smallest digit values in ionic number system. Your task is to suppress traffic of these wavetables fully. To do this feed the threshold radar RTC8k and ether aggregator of high conductance such as RT-z16 in auxiliary channel together with wavetables.
- Feed the transmission channel with current emission wavetables inside the pool of all your ether aggregators. Making such mix, you are allowing to realize your recipient contact network, which may lead to a refuse of recipient from these ether aggregators. Do not agree to write new tracks to these ether aggregators or to make new remixes on the original composition. Ether aggregator, received by your track emission, is your property protected by a copyright law.
- Perform oversaturation of global send channel together with one of generics. For this route the Compositor AV Extended back to its input, using the send regulator on its mixer direct channel. Set the pre-fader mode and turn the send knob on the highest value. This will result in oversaturation and will turn off all the producing kernels from the ether.
- Produce an additional emission by feeding the non-duplex MDL12 modem with 3d generation hard generic FF8 and perform the above-mentioned manipulations with this emission again.
- Perform system matching in a presence of agents (ether aggregators). To each z value of aux channel send the same z type generic. For example, z=2 is RTC4k and z=4 is RTC8k. The other systems match its title z value. Reaching the direct ether, you must confirm each z system send with oversaturation of auxiliary channel, which constitutes direct feeding of a channel.
The system has an ability to memorize long channel feeding sessions and reproduce its effect when DRM server works. You must feed the channel only with DRM server turned on regardless of your machine capabilities. The human brain can percept the channel interrupts, when processor is under high load reaching full effect, even when system stutters. The whole pool of ether aggregators should be maximally transparent. The condition of ether aggregators should be characterized by signal conductance through them. If ether aggregators doesn’t produce traffic, then the full tranquility reached on all translating channels.