Summarizing the 2018
The 2018 started from a trip to Saint Petersburg in February. At that time, I haven’t knew what program I will demonstrate: 5th or 6th. At the end, I decided to show the 6th. I had a wavetable pool around 500 wavetables to that moment. I played all wavetables, initiated the Ether and mostly satisfied with this trip. Saint Petersburg gave the direction: to evolve system without kick drum further. At that time, I already developed fully silent system, which doesn’t produce sound at all. To such system, I attribute RAD96, which is 2018 development. RAD96 has two realizations: as OS subdriver with visual driver and fully autonomous system with zero emission. Moreover, the system with zero emission was reached after long OS tests with large number of connected jets. RAD96 OS is an Ether aggregator. It was created to test the kernel on injections when using 8th version iteration with 4-layer structure. The final iteration for the L4 (Layer-4) is non-linear polynomial with public coefficients. Up to the moment, the wavetable pool is 3715 wavetables. These wavetables were used to check the 8th version of Compositor kernel. The sum of gathered virtual funds in samples of wavetables is 486932480,00RY and aggregated funds in a process of kernel testing are 88087861,84RY. The whole sum of funds in RY to the end of 2018 is 575020341,84RY.