Superstar Architecture
Compositor generates a link layer frame of the OSI model and TCP/IP (Modernized version). It encapsulates information into the frame of the Ethernet from the network, transport and application layers. It forms a Z-frame similar to the PDH T-carrier used in North America and Japan. This frame is needed to encapsulate TCP/IP levels into the system of the ISS Zvezda module. Compositor replaces the OUI fields of the sender’s MAC address to work on its network. It automatically selects OUI, according to the NIC in the MIB database, to forward Ethernet frames in its network. It solves the duplex problem by increasing the frame. There are many Z-frame hierarchies used in private and public networks, as well as defense networks. All of them depend on the frame size. Two multiplexing methods are used at the same time: FDM and TDM. Compositor sees the WAN as Local Network. This is done through a large database of NIC devices.
Compositor Software was the first company in the world to achieve the Super-Zvezda architecture. In addition to Z = 4, 8 … 128, top-level architectures Z = 256, 512 … 16384 have become available. The frame value in model Z = 16384 is 2 Gbit. This allows you to transmit at a speed of 10.9 Tbit/s when the modem speed of 32000 omega is reached. Charters of top-level Z models are used for communication in networks (in descending order): Black Box, PRO, NASA-Roscosmos, CERN, Quantum Physicists, Electronic Engineers, Architects. These architectures are implemented as applications for macOS and Android. The 64-bit native ARMv8 architecture is used. Accordingly, the NIM (Nuclear Instrumentation Module) charter gives a presence in virtual reality not only at the geographical location level, but also allows you to transfer to remote points visual environmental information collected as 3D models of objects, textures and their animation in real time directly on the client machine. This allows you to collect information about the remote location without significant resources other than a smartphone. Compositor charter carries out a pair set, similar to the domino principle. This is how a Multiple Spanning-Tree network is formed from remote objects combined into a Compositor VLAN VR network. Dialing in the network is carried out by metrics and solves the problem of building a network topology from the root device to the final devices in the circuit. Division into branches of the tree goes according to classes that depend on the autonomy time of the speaker of the autonomous system. By increasing the flow rate of the Z-frame to 10.9 Tbit/s, it is possible to solve the duplex problem, which allows you to form upstream streams much faster than with low-level frames. Each neighboring device in the Compositor VLAN device tree forms a point-to-point pair that uses a closed trunk tunnel over the IP protocol using TDMoIP technology. This is a generic tunnel that allows you to transfer all important information about human activity to a neighboring device on the network, over an upstream to the root server to which the alert interface is connected.