Zero-Layer Aggregation Exactly a year ago, when all modules of Compositor RTOS were formed, I was confronted with the task: to make such aggregation, which would not have committed the emission in the RAM memory of the computer (server). A year later, the problem is solved. It was required to complete assembly of Compositor RTOS 9.0.1 a14 with an extended…
Zero-emission signal network Therefore, it was made, at the end of 2018 I made a full zero-emission kernel with protection level capable to overcome even the strongest wavetables. First, let’s talk about an experiment: For the last 8 month, I injected polynomial using different wavetables with open jets and closed jets (for the last four month). I made a tunneling…
V12 Digital engine emissions There are two types of engines: zero-emission engines and engines, which produce the emission of materiality in a process of their work. RAD96 virtual machine relates to zero-emission engines, at the same moment full version of Compositor v9 Hypervisor DRM server is a producing aggregate with internal combustion engine simulation. Which approach is more plausible? It…