No Internet messenger Compositor Software project entered the active transmission channel testing stage. Compositor kernel version 8.4.2 can resist up to 29900 injections with feedback implementation. This value is experimentally set and coincides to different injection types for each wavetable. In other words, each wavetable coincides with one injection type. On the present moment, I use wavelets for transmission channel…
VLF voice communications To communicate in VLF network it is enough to use the Compositor v8 injector, but to connect to other networks it is needed to create the service of communication with them, sending generic RT-zX processes in to the transmission channel as in Compositor v9 Hypervisor. I established the connection of two Compositor v8, which was hardly possible…
Experience the 9th Sale In this summer sale you can individually buy the Compositor v3 Hypervisor, Compositor v5 Hypervisor upgrade, Compositor v6, Compositor v7 Hypervisor upgrades, Compositor v8 upgrade and complete it with Compositor v9 Hypervisor for reduced price. If you are an owner of previous versions of Compositor, you can look into upgrade plans for Compositor v9 Hypervisor starting…
Compositor Library On 18 May, 2018 I released 6 extensions of Compositor Library. The following loops released for purchase: AB, BD, CG, RY, SR, SC. AB (Alpha Bounces) is a final library in the preparation set for Hypervisor v7. It consists of 136 loops. This set of 4 libraries consists also of MB (Mesh Bounces), BB (Beta Bounces), HB (High…
Compositor. Opening of the Spirit @ Cyfest 11 If you are keen to what Compositor is, you can visit the performance of Ruslan Yusipov at Cyfest 11 in Saint Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design on 11.02.2018. The performance will take place in Screening Room, the beginning of performances section is at 18:00 MSC. This performance will be…
Five Ethernet principles when working with Compositor The original idea with planets and constellations dates back to the 2014, when Compositor Max for Live saw its way into the music business. Compositor Max for Live is a successor of Compositor Pro 2 software, which uses only transparent names for parameters. For example, combinations in Compositor Max for Live are constellations…
Compositor v6 is available Compositor v6 is a rack consisting of Compositor WS Extended auxiliary channel and Drumbox-01 rhythm machine. You can create complete tracks using Compositor v6 by mixing its sequence with radio loops and rhythm section. Radio loops library, extended with 44 hb loops, showcases different device profiles. Using it, you can play radio ether loops alongside the…