VLF voice communications
To communicate in VLF network it is enough to use the Compositor v8 injector, but to connect to other networks it is needed to create the service of communication with them, sending generic RT-zX processes in to the transmission channel as in Compositor v9 Hypervisor. I established the connection of two Compositor v8, which was hardly possible with 6th and 7th versions of Compositor program. Moreover, such connection was before the 7th version but it contained another VLF ethers, which made the determination of the transmitting station itself and creation of the protected communication channel not possible. For the experiment I executed the Compositor v8 a16 on the stationary computer and played the voice track (recorded with Dictaphone) in injector channel. I executed Compositor v8 b3 with modulation combinations on the notebook without the opportunity to inject the wavetables in the transmission channel. Using identical device settings, I received a loop in the notebook feedback chain, which definitely coincided with voice text timbre recorded with Dictaphone. Then I executed Compositor v8 a16 with ability to inject wavetables on notebook. I composited the same wavetable combination as on stationary computer and injected them in to the channel without voice track. This way, I established a definite non-repeating signal reproduced as random noise bursts with narrative text structure. This text coincided with signal performed on stationary computer transmission channel, but had another rhythm and pause appearance. I understand that for VLF communication it is enough to transmit the ostinato code pattern on the defined frequency and I credit the Compositor v8 communication experiment as successful.
My main goal is to prove the appearance of broadband communication lines in VLF. If it is possible to receive the broadband signal cycle in transmission channel, then you can try to reconstitute it by injecting the stochastic carrier using RT-z128 and RT-z64 channel modules. Then, following this logics, there will be the complete voice track with the receive quality of original translation in the feedback chain. This should be proved, establishing a connection of two Compositor v9 Hypervisor programs and their virtualization modules. If it happens, the arrangement of wavetables into the transmission channel lines will be proved.
Let’s look at the created VLF transmission lines as grains, where a separate transmission line segments coincide with wavetables, encased in window function envelope. The connection service in VLF network is a pendulum process, created by RT-zX generic modules. Then the spiral structure of transmission points distribution in all z networks coincides with pyramidal structure. When you use the linear stochastic distribution of wavetables, the mixing of transmission channels happens creating new nets. RT-zX services give access to different zones of VLF and ULF ether. Wavetables supply pendulum processes of RT-zX modules with grain components when transmitting them simultaneously in the channel. They saturate an ether of this pendulum processes with new translations. You should look into this process as a service of connection with pyramidal structure and wavetables are grains of transmission channels or pyramid transmitting points.