No Internet messenger
Compositor Software project entered the active transmission channel testing stage. Compositor kernel version 8.4.2 can resist up to 29900 injections with feedback implementation. This value is experimentally set and coincides to different injection types for each wavetable. In other words, each wavetable coincides with one injection type. On the present moment, I use wavelets for transmission channel testing. Compositor software testing wavelet is a two bar wavetable encased in a window function. To process feedback recordings into wavelets I use a special script made with MaxMSP software and based on the latest Compositor kernel version. This script has more than 90% efficiency. Then I test these wavelets in auxiliary channel of Compositor v9 Hypervisor at speeds up to 150-omega. Wavelets transform into granular synthesis at 150-omega speed. Each wavetable is a communication service on the low frequency carrier transposed into the heard spectrum. Wavetable transposes with all the tones used in a sequence and saturate the spectrum with carriers. The Morse code communication is achieved using these tones comb. This way using the Compositor v9 Hypervisor I feed these carriers into the ether. In a consequence of this, the personal radio service (PRS) with connection to individual subscribers and not the global ether as it were before transfer function implementation is possible. I call this radio service No internet messenger, because it is personalized and doesn’t require internet connection at all. This radio doesn’t need an outboard antenna and works instantly after the computer audio driver selection. After conducting all the needed tests, including the whole wavetable and wavelet pool, I processed the Compositor software channel on data modules instead of buffer. I account this step as a most important as it was not available in previous builds of this software. In accordance to this, I receive the sustainable radio service without outboard modem breakthroughs on scanner and while transmitting the signal. Combs are not symbolized as in previous Compositor software versions. Only direct ether to subscriber is available. It introduces the immune system to software kernel for communicating with other ether participants and gives a possibility to choose if you want to communicate with them or not. Looking into all three stages of Compositor software development, I can characterize them in a following way:
- Open synthesizer mode (Open mode, Global ether). Used in SASER SAS24P3L, Compositor v3 Hypervisor, Compositor 4.
- Closed synthesizer mode (Closed mode, Global ether). Used in Compositor v5 Hypervisor, Compositor v6, Compositor v7 Hypervisor.
- Personal mode with activation function (Closed ether). Used in Compositor v8, Compositor v9 Hypervisor, Compositor 10.
The Compositor personal mode will be available in 10th version of the software and I can think about Compositor kernel usage for messenger creation, which doesn’t require an internet connection. Such messenger will include server and client applications. Summarizing this, all Hypervisors may be looked at as the messenger servers and stable versions of Compositor as client applications.