At the present day there are three demos of Compositor Software new product Compositor 4. It is audio recordings made using this instrument in July 2017. In first recording you can hear manual work in a studio session on-air, layer changes and modulation switches in real-time. On the second recording you can hear the internal Compositor 4 feeder sounds produced…
Compositor v3 AI capable of not only musically arranging the events, but also intonating the notes with the use of the local area network, based on virtual simulation of radio ether. Such local area network mostly reminds neural networks. However, Spherical Interaction Network, the way it is called in Compositor Software, may produce more human-like results by the factor of…
Compositor Software presents RT-zX© platform – a software product line for algorithmic music. RT-zX© platform devices correspond to sound aesthetics of noise music and ambient drones, that’s why they found their use in experimental and dub sound producer studios. Thanks to their internal modulation and delay line possibilities, they involve a listener into the interesting world of deep soundscapes. RT-zX©…
Spherical Interaction Network management software Compositor Pro v2 is a system control using a technic of prerecorded audio samples. While normal network management software is for predefined parameters, which operator controls, audio samples recorded with Compositor Pro v2 can contain parameterization, which may only be introduced in distant future but already presented as an inherent quality of the audio file.…