At the present day there are three demos of Compositor Software new product Compositor 4. It is audio recordings made using this instrument in July 2017.
In first recording you can hear manual work in a studio session on-air, layer changes and modulation switches in real-time.
On the second recording you can hear the internal Compositor 4 feeder sounds produced as a techno track. Parts generated and recorded in Compositor 4 Standalone version are used for loop playback. Compositor 4 Max for Live version is used as a mastering processor. You can also hear noise ambiences generated using Compositor 4 Standalone made for this record.
The third recording is an automated session in Ableton Live 9 with the use of Compositor 4 Max for Live synthesizer. In this recording you can hear the most actual sequences and arpeggiator patterns of Compositor 4 synthesizer played one-by-one on-air.
Compositor 4 instruments recording has similarities in Standalone and Max for Live versions of the software.