Spherical Interaction Network management software Compositor Pro v2 is a system control using a technic of prerecorded audio samples. While normal network management software is for predefined parameters, which operator controls, audio samples recorded with Compositor Pro v2 can contain parameterization, which may only be introduced in distant future but already presented as an inherent quality of the audio file. An ability to record an audio sample is also a set of parameters, which is a product of manipulations in such network and can be remotely submitted to the input of device under inspection.
An operator with sufficient amount of experience can submit Compositor Pro v2 network map called a ‘track’ to the MDL12 input as a network combination given. This in fact gives precision to judging of where to apply the technology and as Max for Live branch of Compositor Software is only able to model Solar System like planetary systems, Compositor Pro v2 standalone software can model star systems with even numbers of planets ranging from 2 to 12.
The task of MDL12 is to observe such Spherical Interaction mapping tracks generated using Compositor Pro v2 to adjust their tuning from one angular position to another. This leads to an ability to audition the network tracks in different years according to Gregorian calendar, while retaining the original multiplier setting consistent for the whole track length.
The previous MDL12 experiment can be conducted using just a pair of Compositor Pro v2 and Ableton Live 9 with MDL12 Max for Live connected using the Rewire technic. Compositor Pro v2 can emulate superposition using Time multiplier control just like the Year parameter on MDL12. The MDL12, on the other hand, achieves Just Intonation tuning through resynthesis of the submitted material instead of real-time synthesis.
To order Compositor Pro v2, please, visit the following product page.