Musique Concrete with Compositor Software

Musique Concrete with Compositor Software Musique concrete method using the Compositor Software instruments is fully mastered. It is not that hard from the beginning. The more lows are introduced, the more it is concrete. The isosceles triangle deployment under Compositor 4 Max for Live gives a constant ether, but the quantum stochastic field by means of AI-RT1024 is also needed…

The i11 architecture

The Compositor 4 software is based on Generic Kernel 7.0.2 of i11 architecture. It is twice faster than i7 intel processors. It is counted this way: i11 contains 12 harmonics based on the Carson’s rule, i7, on the other hand, contains 8 harmonics. Dividing 12 on 8 the number of 1,5 is received, which is the number of processor speed…

Compositor v3 in Arctic Dub (Sursumcorda Inc.) series

Compositor v3 in Arctic Dub (Sursumcorda Inc.) series Our friend at Arctic Dub (Sursumcorda Inc.) have used the Compositor v3 – Hypervisor Radio Shack for Archaic Anahata series. These magnificent series include field recordings and discovered sound artifacts. You can hear TC25, FF8 generic kernel loops and RTC8k modified kernel as injection for your ears in his recording Dave Wesley…

Compositor Software virtual servers

The Data Center inside a PC is available thanks to Compositor Software virtual machines. White noise attack registered at 7:25 and successfully rejected by RTC8k holographic radar. You can watch how Compositor Software technology progressed in the current video. Starting with 4k holographic radar RTC4k Compositor Software system upgraded to RT-z128 becoming 64 times faster within two years. There is…

Compositor Feeders audio demo

Not the best task to record signal generators, which should stay masked in an audio channel. But as our talk is about music, then its main property is the definitive score of such music. For signal generators, which Compositor Feeders are, such definitive score could be only a recording or displaying the main function of a program. The audio recording…

Compositor RT-zX for game industry

Compositor gameplay After building the automatic part of the program code for Compositor RT-z128 application, main goal is to test this standalone as a music application. Such test includes the creation on its base of the virtual hybrid synthesizer Compositor 4 with RT-zX marking, which has the ability to switch layers and also the z parameter in wide boundaries. RT-zX…