Compositor Library

Compositor Library On 18 May, 2018 I released 6 extensions of Compositor Library. The following loops released for purchase: AB, BD, CG, RY, SR, SC. AB (Alpha Bounces) is a final library in the preparation set for Hypervisor v7. It consists of 136 loops. This set of 4 libraries consists also of MB (Mesh Bounces), BB (Beta Bounces), HB (High…

Frequently Asked Questions upd. 17-10-2017

Frequently Asked Questions updated with following question: Does Compositor work with MIDI or just WAV files? Compositor can process WAV or AIFF files and can generate synthesizer material. However, not all versions have the same functionality. Here is the list of Compositor Software versions and their abilities: Software version Process WAV or AIFF files Controlled by MIDI Signal source generators…