Compositor Pro v1 and v2 sale Compositor Pro v1 and v2 sale is the unique chance to obtain both versions of hyperbolic function project software for a reduced price. The application of such function is algorithmic music, radio navigation, astronomy, cryptography, amateur radio and telecommunications. Compositor Pro v1 and v2 have still unbeatable function in their core named quantum approximation.…
Here I would start a series of discussions on a topic of radio translation technics and their impact on the radio-electronic security. First, I would stress out the importance of the subject of comparing two modern technics to initiate radio communications, which are closed loop and infinite loop strategies. Closed loop and infinite loop both have recreation in Compositor Software…
After three decades of growth as an artist, Ruslan Yusipov uses Exalted alias again for an album design for Compositor Software. Selections is a stochastic experiment of snapshots inside MaxMSP software. How snapshots influences our lives and how they stored on computer. Exalted puts it inside the two-channel AVOX decks inside Ableton Live 9 and mixes for reminiscent feeling of…
Yesterday, 11.13.2016, Compositor Software was able to hack the UNIX core of a standard PC to the point of granular synthesis generator with variable frequency. Compositor may also overwrite it with TC25 Max for Live variable granular resynthesizer, yet that was not needed and the device is still fully functional. As you may hear at the beginning MDL12 Max for…
Spherical Interaction Network management software Compositor Pro v2 is a system control using a technic of prerecorded audio samples. While normal network management software is for predefined parameters, which operator controls, audio samples recorded with Compositor Pro v2 can contain parameterization, which may only be introduced in distant future but already presented as an inherent quality of the audio file.…