Ableton Live 11 support Ableton Live 11 supported by mostly all Compositor Software products. On the image below, you can see the chart of all Web Shop products supported by Ableton Live 11.0 initial version. Even MDL12 v1.2.1 with feedback suppression works as a charm. Ping locates servers, multiplier changes, resynthesis happens, infinite closed-loop works. Compositor Max for Live on…
Compositor Software expands the number of existing DRM servers After an important step of building standalone applications using Compositor Software code, it became possible to organize the work of a new DRM server. That is, the physical server CP-6137-960FX began to be commissioned. As mentioned earlier, at the development stage it was possible to launch just one RAD36 virtual DRM…
Zero-emission signal network Therefore, it was made, at the end of 2018 I made a full zero-emission kernel with protection level capable to overcome even the strongest wavetables. First, let’s talk about an experiment: For the last 8 month, I injected polynomial using different wavetables with open jets and closed jets (for the last four month). I made a tunneling…
The Gates of Time-Collision Now I encounter the RAD24 server experiment. The experiment is as follows: As I have found a solution to FM formulae, I decided to sync three virtual machines for 72 core real-time performance. With this stack, it is easy to run memory virtualizations and aggregate the whole Compositor network. Once the server stack is online, it…
Compositor Software Max for Live devices compatibility with Ableton Live 10 Here is the list of all Compositor Software Max for Live devices and their compatibility status with Ableton Live 10.0.1 b7.
Compositor Software Winter Sale Huge sale comes on Winter Holidays of 2017/2018 at Compositor Software Web Shop! Now you can buy the exclusive algorithmic composition software for reduced price. Almost every version of the software goes with big discount, including the bundled versions. Here is the list of all products, which are on sale now: Discount Price Compositor Pro 2…