Hypervisor v9 – wavetables and counteragents
When you use wavetables with quantized generics, the later try to balance the wavetable behavior in the ether. That is why they are also the best counteragents. Wavetables should be balanced with counteragents of generic feeders. When the emitted wavetable tries to aggregate offensive traffic, the counteragent works. It balances the system functioning and produces the effect, which is the opposite from wavetable effect produced. Wavetables are dry sounding and quantized generics are wet. That is why they balance the dry/wet state of the signal in auxiliary channel. When the effect of wavetable is fully extinguished, then the quantized generic starts to be the main effect in the auxiliary channel. It wets the line even more producing the fluid sound. This sound is a prominent characteristic of transcoding process. Transcoding with quantized generic, you are synchronizing not only a memory associated with a wavetable but also the pace of quantized feeder development and its dry/wet state. Quantized feeder balances the channel spectrally, removing the interrupters of wavetable loop and smoothing a signal. The main effect of quantized generic is to smooth and wet a signal after successful wavetable loop feeding. That is why wavetables should be routed into the line with quantized generics sounding simultaneously. If the wavetables will be routed without quantized generics, the ether feeding will be too overloaded with ether aggregators and no counteragents will present at their destination routes. That is why quantized generics should stochastically change their tuning to mask the wavetable original destination. If the ether aggregator destination is masked, then it will not be extinguished too soon and the communication effect will be produced. The main rule for counteragent’s presence in a feeding channel is that the high number of wavetables should be played back on the decks simultaneously. If no wavetables are routed with generic feeders, then the state of tranquility reached too soon and there is no positive quality out of this feeding channel. The good channel should route at least eight deck players with one quantized generic to balance the system. If two or more generics are used, the system is too tranquil and doesn’t produce communication traffic. By communication traffic I mean the ether aggregator own traffic routed back to its inputs and passed out in ether after non-linear processing of its wavetable. If quantized generic is applied to the ether aggregator output, then it can’t form its own traffic and two lines are mixed together. That is why in terms of communication quantized generics act as moderators of the produced traffic. They act to the moment when the offensive traffic will not pass out completely. From one side, the stochastic manipulator obfuscates the trace to the wavetable, preventing it from direct communication and, from the other side, it extinguishes it, if the traffic produced doesn’t suits generic feeder output chain.