Great renaming is coming in Compositor project Dear reader, it is time to report the coming changes in Compositor Software project. For the five years, I performed the comparison of telecommunication industry technology and the one developed by me. Here what I’ve already found: Compositor Pro = NTP-server Compositor Max for Live = SNTP-server Accordingly, Compositor Pro and Compositor Max…
Compositor breaks a record in communication distance Compositor Software renewed the SASER project suspended in 2016 by making the new build of SASER SAS24P3L version 1.1.4. This build includes SASER documentation, which describes the principle of device work. After that, the licensed build of RAD96 standalone was made. The above image evidently shows how SASER works far beyond the boundaries…
Hypervisor v9 – Active broadband security system Server is a machine capable to work an unlimited period theoretically. Nevertheless, even the best machines faults and overrun the resources of random access memory. It raises a question about an installation of such machines algorithm directly into recipient consciousness. Brain is the biological computer, which is most powerful and lengthy resource, which…
Compositor Software DRM server press-release Compositor Software presents the Ethernet communication service based on DRM (Digital Rights Management) server. This server realizes the work based on IEEE802.1Q Ethernet protocol with frame of 262144 samples. Two initial buses of the virtual machine, running on Compositor Software server, translate in VLF range. SHF work is realized using the algorithm with x2048 oversampling,…
RAD24 vector solution to FM problem During the initial testing of rotator function there was a conclusion that both channel vectors were pointing too far apart in different directions, which makes them remotely disconnected. The solution came to put a vector from point A into the point B from left channel to the right one. This way I straighten the…