
Working with virtual images

Working with virtual images Compositor NRTOS consists of dumps from other devices. That is, these are all devices that are within the scope of the RAD96 microkernel. When other devices try to penetrate a device that patched with RAD96 microkernel, the cache of the penetrating device is dumped to the Compositor Software cloud server. Thus, Compositor NRTOS commits occur. There…

NPO Compositor adapted NRTOS 9.0.2

NPO Compositor adapted NRTOS 9.0.2 It took more than two years to adapt the Compositor 9 software from Compositor Software into Russian language. NPO Compositor has done a great job of introducing new functions and protocols into Compositor 9. The interface and documentation has been translated into Russian language and consists of chapters on IP switching and routing (2700 pages…

Compositor Software extended services set

Compositor Software extended services set Compositor Software server has confirmed its success in supporting the remote workflow. Even the set of services that was named in a previous post ensured the smooth operation of all network resources. However, for a full-fledged work, this was not enough. I resumed work on the implementation of all services from the Network Real-Time Operating…