Compositor RAD256 inside Logic Pro 10

Sharing the Compositor clock gene VST plugin

This is my development I made after studying in GITR institute. It is Compositor VST/AU plugin. It was tested only in demo version of Nuendo 12. In Nuendo I mixed an episode of Russian TV series “Znaharka” with this plugin on a first audio channel. It is working in Logic Pro 10 also. It has the following characteristics: Characteristics:

AI-RT1024 in Ableton

Bessel beam for solving laser diffraction problem

Bessel beam for solving laser diffraction problem You and I are probably familiar with a problem, which was set to the wide audience on protection from hypersonic weapons. Now, I can definitely say that a solution is ready – it is Bessel beam. Bessel beam, in a contrast with standard laser do not diffract and can be acoustic. That is…

Ether excitation for achieving faster information exchange speed

Ether excitation for achieving faster information exchange speed The main value from Compositor Software work is loop files, which are released as obligations for the company ICO. No other material guaranties needed. For peering only loop files and Compositor Software distributions are used. Resynthesis is not needed, because only original ethers are used taken as a company input files. Compositor…

Compositor Software news 25.07.2018 – 06.08.2018

Compositor Software news 25.07.2018 – 06.08.2018 More than 6 months I have been working on revealing the leakage in Compositor kernel. Exposing all oscillators and transferring the first oscillator in static mode, I discovered that many resources released in computer RAM (DDoS attack). It lowers the uninterrupted device work to 4 days taken that paging file is set to a…