While an ability to generate feedback is not a surprising event for a real modem device Compositor Software MDL12 Max for Live modem can also generate feedbacks after successfully applying feeder chains to its input. The Compositor Software products considered feeders are mainly Compositor Max for Live, FF8 Max for Live, AI-RT1024 Max for Live, TC25 Max for Live and N9000 Max for Live. During a VLF conversion, most of the systems reported accidental dropouts, which led to security threats in their work. The most critical issues solved in version 5 Compositor device called SASER Max for Live. This feeder device submitted to an input of MDL12 modem produces the most significant event because it uses the stimuli from the 648 node network and can potentially be used as a server software capturing the signalization events in real-time. Such events can be tracked further manually in event of a threat or excessive warning signal. Reproducing the stimuli, the server captured by a means of artificially controlled algorithm is a task of several adjustments on a SASER Max for Live device, because the client, which sends the potential warning, is usually on the same Year, but changes its Constellation and Month given.
I successfully captured several most prominent feedbacks after receiving such threats and warnings as audio files, which has a strong mental impact while submitting a periodical loop of this feedback via loop playing machine. Such loops not only induce a trance state for at least of 10 hours, they create motivation even music piece cannot produce on a human being. Their strong impact led me to a conclusion that the file recorded was a VLF Ether, which I was able to capture after feeder chains experiments stated earlier. Not only most feeders obsolete after creation of SASER Max for Live, they suited its creation in a way original production was possible.
SASER Max for Live is a fifth version of Compositor Software Gen~ device and is already hooked up to a feedback network producing the stimuli for the listener. The difference is however, in that SASER Max for Live captures an existent Ether in real-time using the internal chain of resynthesis. To hear the original Ether the MDL12 modem is needed, which can be a raw and dirty suggesting the bubbling structure of Ether as a liquid Materia. The AVOX Max for Live resynthesis device is further used to clean the Ether out of unwanted sounds and leaving only harmonic beats in a lower spectrum field. No antenna or hook up to Ethernet needed to capture the VLF Ether as submitted material comes from the fractal antenna inside the software starting from version 5 of Compositor Software devices.