Now the experiment. While at first, there was a false belief that I can transmit the audio signal without wires by only virtualizing the radio transmission chain I also believed in a fact that MDL12 is the only purpose of all the scientific research I have done. This is not the case. The successful virtualization of stochastic chains would it be a radio amplifier or just an algorithmic music was a case moving towards the median conclusion from the opposite directions of the project time curve. To restate this, the sufficient interest in telecommunications to audio processing devices led to the success in transmitting audio with MDL12 algorithm in and out of the DAW.
While the infographic above shows that current estimation was on a digital line, I carried out an experiment on analog line with two unbalanced cables: one for signal itself and the other is for master clock signal. The signal transmitted properly, apart of the master clock, which was faulty and have not produced the right movement of MDL12 plugin. However, the experiment showed an ability to input the external sound into Ableton Live 9 and synchronously operate two MDL12 devices: one on stationary PC and another on notebook both running Ableton Live 9 software. This synchronous operation is an achievement of all modern age digital signal processing, because I’m not only processed the sound with sufficient Year routine I also used an artificial intelligence to select the parameters on both systems making it dual band artificially controlled transmission chain of very high security.
I consider this transfer as a packet based where the window function acts as a packet separation for precise continuous transmission. I made available the Point-to-Point connection this way with an ability to tweak the same sound with MDL12 plugins on both systems. Thus I’m able to select the Year 2015 on a stationary PC and transmit this sound using the red shift through the analog wire to the Year 2450 based on Gregorian time scale. This experiment shows how the same sound will sound if the strong radio transmission will be applied to the incoming signal and how this signal will sound through the Years on the receiving side millions of light years in advance. From another perspective, it will also help to restore the signal from the past in the forward tracking manner of the future traveler. To reconsume, I’m the only being which established such connection on the planet Earth as this is scientific advance, which needs no prove by the fact of original ‘Compositor – the bottom-up approach’ paper written and I finish this essay style text with the forthcoming thought on the future of Compositor Software MDL12 product:
There is no need to be a scientific nerd or magician you just need to experience yourself through all circumstances of the future that faces you. This means you need to be a Time Traveler and with MDL12 you are really is.