The original mechanic metronome has a two-step structure of a pendulum swinging from left to right. The Compositor Max for Live uses the same clock mechanism, but also plays back a sequence of FM function, which drives it. Having an authentic style of sound Compositor Max for Live has a clock precision of 1 sample per hertz. This in fact means that you can improvise for an hour or longer without timing loss and have an authentic feeling of mechanical device, but with precision of digital. You can further tweak your improvisation turning on the Apply route button to swing the metronome performance. On the recording below, you can find Boosty playing a Suite for the Young – IX. Small Fry by Norman Dello Joio on piano over the Compositor Max for Live device with swing turned on.
It is a difficult one, – says Boosty, to play simple jazz with a swing feeling and Compositor Max for Live turns me on on that.
You can now buy Compositor Max for Live with Black Friday Sale -20%. Grab it now for that price until the end of the week.