Attachment to wavetables through system matching with oversaturation The most effective way to feed the wavetables is to match the system z level of generic feeder with z value of auxiliary channel. The generic prolongation is progressive and depends on auxiliary channel. On the higher program effectivity speed the generic proliferates for a longer time. This in fact happens because…
Hypervisor v9 – wavetables and counteragents When you use wavetables with quantized generics, the later try to balance the wavetable behavior in the ether. That is why they are also the best counteragents. Wavetables should be balanced with counteragents of generic feeders. When the emitted wavetable tries to aggregate offensive traffic, the counteragent works. It balances the system functioning and…
Let the only Compositor be in Ether The main idea of the Compositor 5 project is to remove anyone from radio ether and to remain only Compositor automatic station. Through the whole discretization process I already removed offensive synthesizer sound. It is a first step. The second step is to block feedbacks on carrier signals. However, as an experiment shows,…
Musique Concrete with Compositor Software Musique concrete method using the Compositor Software instruments is fully mastered. It is not that hard from the beginning. The more lows are introduced, the more it is concrete. The isosceles triangle deployment under Compositor 4 Max for Live gives a constant ether, but the quantum stochastic field by means of AI-RT1024 is also needed…
Lobbying the aggregate devices poll You can go into the ether from any sounding object. The only condition is that it must excite an ether. For example, you like the sound of your car door-lock and want to go into ether with it. First, you need to pick up such sound and create an ether loop of it. Then you…