RAD512 distributed virtual PBX for agglomeration network
RAD512 is a virtual PBX that allows you to perform audio simulations of any level of complexity. The main application is found in the music recording and playback industry on computers equipped with arm64 architecture. It can also be paired with a vocoder for speech synthesis based on VLAN network masks. The system is able to simulate speakers of autonomous systems, being an independent VLAN device. With the help of a virtual PBX, it is possible to create voice simulations for automatic responders. Thus, the speaker of your autonomous system can also be a real personality. The total capacity of the RAD512 system consists of 512 buses, each with a window of 2,048 samples. When connecting this virtual shield to the RTZ524288 agglomeration network, an DEMUX/MUX system with 524288 buses is available, which allows you to serve one area of a large metropolis.
Thus, the useful function of the virtual PBX includes audio simulations of a wide range of tasks. For example, it makes it possible to run DAW on mobile bluetooth devices that can be loaded with a lot of processing on their native driver, which was not possible before. Remember the times when you connected your bluetooth headset as a driver and when adding any AU or VST effect, samples dropped out and playback was interrupted. Now with the RAD512 & RTZ524288 system, continuous playback of sequences with a large number of virtual synthesizers and processing is possible. And, again, it’s all on bluetooth headsets through the A2DP driver.
Summing up the above, the distributed virtual PBX system consists of two parts: one virtual PBX (RAD512) is a simulation of the speaker of the autonomous system, and the second part of the virtual demultiplexer/multiplexer (RTZ524288) checks the first network for network errors, working simultaneously with a large number of subscribers of the synchronous hierarchy. In the age of digital technology, such a system may be indispensable for disclosing vocoders in telephone systems, as the distributed network has protection from IP-spoofing, the system sends a sharp unpleasant PWM sound into the channel, which blocks the entire line and prevents the attacker from occupying it. The system can also remove masks from recipients in case of threat of invasion, showing their real voice. You can try these systems on iOS, iPadOS and macOS devices by installing TestFlight. Below you will find links to the TestFlight application and invitations to participate in the RAD512 & RTZ524288 beta test.
TestFlight – https://apps.apple.com/us/app/testflight/id899247664
RAD512 – https://testflight.apple.com/join/2IgWKzom
RTZ524288 – https://testflight.apple.com/join/DkgIGYVC