Oversaturation as a limitation of transmission channel The introduction of oversaturation into the transmission channel may coincide with function limitation to demo mode. In fact, oversaturation interrupts the downloading process in the middle and does not allow completing the process of information submission. That is why there is no need to introduce oversaturation for full translation, it is enough to…
Compositor Library On 18 May, 2018 I released 6 extensions of Compositor Library. The following loops released for purchase: AB, BD, CG, RY, SR, SC. AB (Alpha Bounces) is a final library in the preparation set for Hypervisor v7. It consists of 136 loops. This set of 4 libraries consists also of MB (Mesh Bounces), BB (Beta Bounces), HB (High…
RAD24 vector solution to FM problem During the initial testing of rotator function there was a conclusion that both channel vectors were pointing too far apart in different directions, which makes them remotely disconnected. The solution came to put a vector from point A into the point B from left channel to the right one. This way I straighten the…