Synthesis of the Compositor M4L isn’t the music. It is frequency and time division demultiplexing of spectrum in the range of 60 – 4000 Hz on the speed compatible to gyro measurements of slowly rotating body. This gyro measurements are heard as a sound emitting from your audio card with implied characteristics of algorithm given. It is not only this…
What we have or better to say what we will consume next? It is our notorious thinking about the futuristic approach and the delimiting border, which emphasizes the need to convert every persons opinion in one big story probably without the end or do we have an end of some sort. Compositor system regulates the Year 4000 as the end…
Compositor Max For Live updated to version 1.0.4 to reflect full functionality of the instrument. Now, constellation modulators behave properly with each subsequent selection. This is important because you get a completely new modulation for each selected constellation. Constellations are not only an artistic point of view on Cosmology. They represent the dependence between three planets selection: All planets field…