Compositor Networks map

Compositor Networks map For the first time Compositor Software reveals its network of contacts made with SASER SAS24P3L software. As you can see on the map above, there are numerous contacts in Europe, USA, Russia and South America. These contacts were made between October-November 2018. The map outlines geographic position of call signs of contacts made with their indexes. This…

Compositor Software news 25.07.2018 – 06.08.2018

Compositor Software news 25.07.2018 – 06.08.2018 More than 6 months I have been working on revealing the leakage in Compositor kernel. Exposing all oscillators and transferring the first oscillator in static mode, I discovered that many resources released in computer RAM (DDoS attack). It lowers the uninterrupted device work to 4 days taken that paging file is set to a…