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Compositor software provides an opportunity to work with the rights on modifying a digital media content, mostly the composition. Compositor software allows working in such directions of composition as editing in text and graphic processors and video rendering. Ruslan Mansurovich Yusipov (Compositor Software) offers run-in virtual machines with statistics. It is a required condition of selling a used technic, because creating sublicenses on MaxMSP platform is not allowed. The only solution to sell a licensed production is to make run-ins of projects, which already have usage statistics, confirmed with server or machine output. Compositor Software redeem licenses by the nominal algorithm cost using its own virtual or real funds and performs the run-in process. After the run-in process, Compositor Software transfers the current build to a customer as the final product with the protection, which is enough for code compliance check. If the code and algorithm work suits customer needs, he is in force to delete the run-in statistics and to start his own usage statistics. By this Compositor Software means not a reestablishment of the work with a new serial number, but generation of the new statistics file by deleting the loaded file. This requirement allows customer to unload the transferred run-in statistics file in Public folder on Windows and Application Support in home directory on Mac. Compositor Software uses virtual mining as a simultaneous run-in of virtual machines, grouping them in rigs and creating virtual farms out of rigs. Further usage of each virtual machine is supposed to be in the area of digital media content licensing, such as text, music, video and graphics. Customer can conduct Compositor software controlled machine learning by automatic composition using stochastic functions only. In a moment of editing the digital media content with Compositor software turned on, you are obtaining the right on editing of this material using the author right, because you are running the author’s library, which contains all resolutions on editing the corresponding media material. Compositor software has the internal function of the software-defined radio, transmitting all the activity of the computer, which runs the Compositor software, its latest register changes and all computers, which are connected to this machine by any means and protocols, into the Ethernet for the head machine of the hyperbolic network. The internal algorithm of the software provides the highest allowed resolution of universal modulation, which customer may apply to other modulations for entering its networks. In regard to this, using Compositor software in such network you are obliged to license each computer, working with digital media content and not only one machine of the dedicated domain. At the present moment, the passband of Compositor Software physical machine does not allow to perform a run-in of more than 10 virtual machines simultaneously, because to produce them the statistics is needed not less than for the master plates, which are three initial Compositor Software servers registered to Ruslan Mansurovich Yusipov. The user takes a responsibility of purchasing of Compositor software license, but cannot apply for any registers for owning of this software or subsequent reselling of it (non-exclusive license). Such order provides to equip all machines, connected with digital media in user local area, with Compositor software. Compositor Software is a producing physical entity and not mining for electronic resources. User is in order to agree or disagree with the contents of this document after reading it. If user is disagree, he or she must delete Compositor software from its computer and all physical media. Compositor Software agrees to provide virtual machine (Compositor software) using only circumstances provided in this document. The purchase of digital media should be proved with corresponding invoices and requires creating the same product page as for other products, with the only difference that in this case Compositor Software sells not his business, but specific product, which authorizes the machine for work with digital media content and the guaranty of corresponding right is the run-in statistics. Compositor Software performs run-in advanced and not at the moment of user work with Compositor software. If Compositor Software would perform run-in during the user work with software, then constant rebuild and zeroing happen. The material for run-in process should be peering networks of Compositor Software initial interests. These interests includes purchasing the media content, which user will produce by Compositor software useful effect using virtual or real funds. In case of useful effect, user should transfer his statistics file to Compositor Software and pay for virtual machine use in accordance to traffic tariffs of the internal usage statistics.