Last year I presented to you NIM chat in CWDecoder program. In a search for a better generic chat platform, I found an interesting program called TrueTTY, which can also demodulate NIM chat messages.
As you can see, NIM chat is greatly improved. Now you can use different modulations (channels) by implementing the second derivative of a function. It allows using statuses in a chat window, displaying gender and different special symbols. Now you can also use Cyrillic encoding. You can put a special attention to romantic relationship statuses: Cupid’s arrow marks messages where you reveal sympathy to the other gender. In a sum, there were made more than 2800 commits to NIM chat this year.
NIAGARA middleware allows modifying generic NIM chat and is its mod. It allows to load servers, included in multiplex, and perform e-roi (electronic version of return on investment) by injecting a dump.
Client part of NIAGARA for Compositor v9.0.1 is independent from server version. This way, when you update server software, you no longer need to update its client middleware.
P.S. The evolvement of NIM chat suggests file transferring between chat users by initiating sessions in a form of IRC chat.