The project of modeling the demodulator for the MDL12 Sonar Telescope has begun in 2012, some time before the original function developed and was a step on the opposite function to the one provided by Frequency Modulation (FM). The project is for the whole generation of Compositor Software instruments and consists of QIF submitted to sine + cosine functions with an opposite behavior. The demodulator successfully achieves waveform restoration after it is processed by MDL12 codec for subtracting Time function from spectral representation.
One can believe that for a whole instrumentation only one parameter needed however that is not the case as the main working routine is the subjective approximation of exponentially discretized continuous function, which is no longer a secret named as Quantum Interpolation Formula by means of extrapolating the order of things to an outcome given. This outcome however is not the system of values but the Chowning’s view on FM as a source for musical creativity. Yet, if we go forward and use more modulators in a system, it will give us the plethora of possibilities for an algorithmic outcome applied to many more spheres than I originally intended. The main function is sublimed for the plethora of possibilities, but more modulators mean extra processing power and new architectural design, which for its purpose has more direct connection for voice modeling and thus is removed from the deterministic telescope idea named in a first place. Determinism of such model is a set of behavioral patterns routed from the function itself thus the opposite function provides with different outcomes. One outcome I found in original function is its connectivity to the technological point of view on the Solar system: to model it, more additive style is needed. Thus with proper multiplier I can consider the view of things more clearly stepping back on the original path of investigation and possibly removing most of you from the possibility to work with software, which is MDL12 Max for Live device v1.0.9 in current installment. However, if you consider the demodulation process an opposite of modulation you will step back on a path, which means all negative is an opposite from positive, which is not the case in FM, even when negative frequencies folded to positive ones. Here is where Bessel functions take place in order to count proper vector relationships of the viewed uniform creation. I have this ability for you to view ‘underthehood’ of FM sound synthesis by vectors. Yet, to my clear point of view that is not needed. To proper understand what I’m talking about consider antenna polarization as a source of inspiration for imagery, yet it will not shed a light on a sound frequencies acting on a slightly different scale of things. If you still think the impact of the device is an amplitude or FM deviation it really is. Thus, deviation of 4096Hz provides us with more spectrum running x4096 from the nominal 1 of absolute scale. If we consider 8092Hz of such deviation, the output will be even more emphasized as more frequencies slip through the bandpass filters.
Direct transmission by an amplifier achieves more pressure with sound waves, but makes no use in a large scale transfers, thats why you can’t exaltate yourself this way for the whole generation given. For the real work you need one source and one destination. Lets call it point-to-point connection, which takes its root from the communications industry. This way we as Compositor Software users will stay in touch with current software trends. However, for the sake of mathematical precision I modeled a network with one sender and six receivers all acting by a means of stochastic selection for opening channels of such communication in a superposition of time relative to the current destination.
It can be viewed this way: consider me sitting in front of the screen and submitting the file to several destinations in say 2015, 2035 and 2145 years. And lets consider that all of the MDL12 receivers act as a serviced servers with up and running clock devices for the whole Time period, which is defined by the original creation of such server and to the indeterminate point in time at which such server is shutting down. Lets consider such point the year 4000. The receiver can receive music, images or other multimedia by a means of such modem device, which in this case the Compositor Software development MDL12 Sonar Telescope. It achieves Telescopic precision celestial measurements within a one year time route using a sound travel idea. This is how I model such communication, which can in fact predict future, make other persons aware of fraudulent actions and as a popular movie ‘Minority Report’ already covered the subject predict the crime.