Cloud computing system using Compositor software

We believe that cloud computing will overcome our need in internal storage devices one day. Yet all we need is the capacity of such amounts for remembering the output as a human being will do for all the time period. Hence we need an estimation for the result and comparing it with forthcoming sequencies we will get a theory of connectivity of past with present. By approaching such theory we can do the deed, which is primordial. The first time travellers by this idiology was Adam and Eva. They commited this primordial deed of time and became mortal from an immortal state by the will of God. Hence the idiolgy applied to a quantum storage of time should include an evident feature, which is the computing device.



The Compositor software aimed to fulfill the niche of estimation and applies quantum technologies in computing to internal storaged files, which are sliced and granulazied according to a quantum theory of time. But the root of time is primordial and hence by the expansion of the Universe we see an exponentially raised black matter. As I said earlier no error possible by estimation of exponentionally marketed structure to a quantum field theory. My formulas named in Compositor – the bottom-up approach for quantum estimation are doing this job by a means of half-time addition with subsequent integer computation and multiplication on a smalest grid part. The sinusoidal trace can be seen as an estimation of spiral, which represent all possible values for multiplier of Fc to Fm parameter. I agree that this storage computation is such huge that it needs to be implemented at some point of time where storage technologies will be able to store petabytes of information in real time. Global video servers, which store visual information must exsist. 3d virtual reality servers for approaching human life estimation are also a solution to a problem. Yet it is a matter of choice, which system to believe first and apply as a scientifically evident computation of time travel. We should use quantization on 32-bit linear congruency generators to achieve the time flow. Yet, I already implemented 64-bit linear congruency random generators in Time Machine x64. I will not allow to quantize those hence the whole idea will be ruined. The main idea is to test how Compositor Pro v3 will be available to prevent stochastic errors of Time Machine x64 for proper prevention of Time Collisions. This way no error ever occured in the behavioral system of such cloud computing system.