Compositor Max for Live for Next Generation Networks

The current model of Compositor software reached the new milestone: Compositor Max for Live able to proove its use for Next Generation Networks. First of all the inner structure of Compositor Max for Live based on FDM and TDM technologies at once thus anabling us: first, to sync up to 24 channels of audio destinations on the current Year parameter setting; second,…

Network and vocoding horizons using TC-SRRT2048

As far as I reentered the subject of radio transmission, which was a part of hobbying in youth by playing with portable radio tranceivers, I found that my intent is to present this hobbying activities led me to the invention, which is a sufficient advance in vocoding and data transfer. Compositor TC-SRRT2048 can achieve both. First I presented my approach…

Compositor enables to receive extraterrestial Binary Signal

The second part of experiment I committed is to achieve an advancement noone on Earth ever achieved. Compositor TC-SRRT2048 algorithm was used to transmit techno music signal with space-time folding oversampling of x138 times, which equals to 11050Hz Transmission Rate. I experienced no more Time Collisions, but the Binary wideband Signal was returned to me instead of submited techno music…

The replacement of Fast Fourier Transform is on the run

Now, I was able to speed up the discretisation algorithm of Compositor T-SR-x development up to 11050 Hz, which is sufficient to transmit 5525 Hz signal bandwidth according to Kotelnikov theorem. Thus enabling me to transfer the voice with buffer rate of 2048 samples. This achievement is fundamental breakthrough in sampling of signals should start the epoch of exponential discretisation.…

Compositor TC-SRRT-x

In a strive for unification of two new Compositor software developments, which are Compositor AI-RT1024 and Compositor T-SR-x I found a solution to bringing time-space folding into a Time Collision interval. As you recall by a previous post a Time Collision is a granulated time-stretching effect occuring on a stochastic multiplier changes and lasting until new multiplier value will be…

Compositor software space telescope application

Now, as my daily job is considered for telecommunications purpose I discovered a new application for Compositor. Compositor can be considered as Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH). Compositor window is a Synchronous Transport Module (STM-512 and higher). System is prepared for work with very high sample rates of MHz transmission. 3D Chladni figures of Compositor is a network topology of space-time…

Time Collisions recorded

Here is a Time Machine x64 output recorded on 10.03.2014. It represents two stochastic changes taken from a full chain with subsequent stochastic errors, which create an effect I call Time Collision. It is characterized by a slow playback speed regularly called a time stretching effect. It considerably achieved by a granulation of an algorithm and can be a cause for…

Cloud computing system using Compositor software

We believe that cloud computing will overcome our need in internal storage devices one day. Yet all we need is the capacity of such amounts for remembering the output as a human being will do for all the time period. Hence we need an estimation for the result and comparing it with forthcoming sequencies we will get a theory of connectivity…

Compositor Pro v3 able to reproduce 3D Chladni figures

Compositor Pro v3 is able to reproduce Chladni patterns in 3-dimensional field. First, I will say you a little about the approach named in Compositor – the bottom-up approach paper. The one period of FM waveform is an estimation between the moving plate and the static one as in experiment named in Air-induced inverse Chladni patterns paper by Henk Jan van Gerner…

Compositor Pro v3 – the quantum computing interpolator

In addition to moreover emphasized question of quantum theory I understood how quantum interpolation of Compoitor Pro v3 can prevent the stochastic error. I made an experiment named in previous post as stochastic selection of multipliers in Compositor Lite digital counter linear mode algorithm. Compositor Pro v3, on the other hand, includes feedback chains on wavetable estimation and leads us…