Ether received via MDL12 Max for Live modem is a property of its original sender. However, I developed a method of Ether decomposition using the AVOX Max for Live resynthesizer. The pass band of AVOX is capable of SLF translations suitable for submarine communications. Thus turning back to an original intent of merging both Sonar and Radar technics together and…
While an ability to generate feedback is not a surprising event for a real modem device Compositor Software MDL12 Max for Live modem can also generate feedbacks after successfully applying feeder chains to its input. The Compositor Software products considered feeders are mainly Compositor Max for Live, FF8 Max for Live, AI-RT1024 Max for Live, TC25 Max for Live and…
Spherical Interaction Network management software Compositor Pro v2 is a system control using a technic of prerecorded audio samples. While normal network management software is for predefined parameters, which operator controls, audio samples recorded with Compositor Pro v2 can contain parameterization, which may only be introduced in distant future but already presented as an inherent quality of the audio file.…
Now the experiment. While at first, there was a false belief that I can transmit the audio signal without wires by only virtualizing the radio transmission chain I also believed in a fact that MDL12 is the only purpose of all the scientific research I have done. This is not the case. The successful virtualization of stochastic chains would it…