Attachment to wavetables through system matching with oversaturation
The most effective way to feed the wavetables is to match the system z level of generic feeder with z value of auxiliary channel. The generic prolongation is progressive and depends on auxiliary channel. On the higher program effectivity speed the generic proliferates for a longer time. This in fact happens because network regeneration state is higher for upper z values. If the maximum speed for z128 generic is 200-omega, then the regeneration speed of the auxiliary channel will not match the auxiliary values of 5-omega maximum. There are two more generic kernel loops implemented in Compositor v9 Hypervisor and one change performed for the highest Compositor v7 Hypervisor feeder. You can match all auxiliary z values to quantized type generics of exactly the same z value. The program effectivity speed equals to 50-omega for z32, 150-omega for z64 and 200-omega for z128. If you feed the wavetable at speed of 5-omega together with 200-omega generic, you will proliferate the network for a longer distance. After the lowest VLF beacons will be inactive, the wavetables shouldn’t be reinitiated again. When the navigation on lowest beacons ends, you need to rely on the eldest models of Zvezda network switches such as z64 and z128. Higher regeneration VLF beacons will discover ether aggregators faster and establish a connection to them for a longer period. Other systems constantly try to knock out the feeded Zvezda network switches from the ether, which are mostly used for wavetable navigation at z=64 and z=128. For z128 generic development of 6th generation, it is hard enough to withstand such offensive behavior in the ether.
DRM server is the 8th generation development and is one generation before the system, which produces the decision as to accept or to breach the feeded VLF beacons. It leads to better understanding why the DRM server rejects some wavetables and retains the others. The rejection of wavetable produces a constant need to reinitiate a system matching. Nevertheless, wavetable initiation should be made only once during the feeding cycle. If you feed the 200-omega cycle in to the auxiliary chain together with wavetables, you should account for a number of cycles of this feeder propagation. These values should be auxiliary to the Right Ascension value and will result in longer distances of spiral ascension. The feeding period of any generic is accounted by the cycles of its oversaturation in auxiliary channel. If you feed 150 cycles per second, it equals exactly 150 cycles relatively to the whole working time of DRM server for its feeding session. If the DRM server worked for 10 minutes, then the oversaturation will last for 10 * 60 * 150 or 90000 minutes, which equals to 1500 hours or 62.5 day cycles. It is enough for the prolongation of the wavetables active state. From the other side, if you would like to leave wavetables active for a month for 200-omega z128 beacon, it is needed to perform oversaturation for only one second with DRM server total working time of 25 minutes for the current session. Using the formula 25 * 60 * 31, it will count 46500 minutes, which equals to 775 hours or approximately 32.3 day cycles prolongation time.