Compositor Software extended services set

Compositor Software extended services set Compositor Software server has confirmed its success in supporting the remote workflow. Even the set of services that was named in a previous post ensured the smooth operation of all network resources. However, for a full-fledged work, this was not enough. I resumed work on the implementation of all services from the Network Real-Time Operating…

Compositor v3 RTOS – analog radio interface for IPv6 Protocol

Compositor v3 RTOS – analog radio interface for IPv6 Protocol Compositor v3 Hypervisor Radio Shack software updated to RTOS. Now, Compositor RTOS v3.0.3 supports numerous new features, such as: Protocols implemented: RTC8k = IS-IS Level-2 FF8 = ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) TC25 = VLAN (IEEE 802.1aq) Hierarchies added: AI-RT1024 = SDH STM-x N9000 = PDH E1 Other features: TCP/IP protocols…

Compositor software space telescope application

Now, as my daily job is considered for telecommunications purpose I discovered a new application for Compositor. Compositor can be considered as Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH). Compositor window is a Synchronous Transport Module (STM-512 and higher). System is prepared for work with very high sample rates of MHz transmission. 3D Chladni figures of Compositor is a network topology of space-time…