Compositor Software Hypervisor Radio Shack

During the perfection and in attempt to create more stable technology Compositor Software arranged its modules in the Radio Shack structure. By means of virtual machines, the Ableton Live 9 or MaxMSP suits as a platform for hosting micro-kernel machines such as AI-RT1024, FF8, N9000 and TC25. These machines feeds SASER channel with an approximation curve inherited from an RTC8k…

Ether production out of will and mental stimuli using MDL12 Max for Live modem and SASER Max for Live

While an ability to generate feedback is not a surprising event for a real modem device Compositor Software MDL12 Max for Live modem can also generate feedbacks after successfully applying feeder chains to its input. The Compositor Software products considered feeders are mainly Compositor Max for Live, FF8 Max for Live, AI-RT1024 Max for Live, TC25 Max for Live and…