Playing Flanker 2.0 with Compositor 5.0

Playing Flanker 2.0 with Compositor 5.0 Playing Flanker 2.0 with Compositor 5.0 is rather interesting experience. Being a seasoned keyboard player of Flanker 2.0 back in 2000’s, I use the Compositor 5.0 artificial intelligence to return to the skill of playing this simulator after 17 years breakdown. The first impression about Compositor 5.0 is that the system always stays online,…

Compositor WS kernel eight channel synchronization experiment

Compositor WS kernel eight channel synchronization experiment The main idea in multithread kernel is to create a truly independent calculation for several streams apart of kernel protection functions. The experiment with 8 decks was conducted and different types of material submitted to Compositor WS kernel. At first, loops were introduced in one-threaded operation and the shutter issue raised. Second, the…