Compositor software space telescope application

Now, as my daily job is considered for telecommunications purpose I discovered a new application for Compositor. Compositor can be considered as Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH). Compositor window is a Synchronous Transport Module (STM-512 and higher). System is prepared for work with very high sample rates of MHz transmission. 3D Chladni figures of Compositor is a network topology of space-time tunnels. The granular approximation module is used as a signal for FM subdivisions. So Waveshaping module, which shapes pure sine waves from FM spectrum can be considered as a parabolic antenna of the kind presented on the picture:


Automatic Waveguides is a Wi-Fi transmission for a signal to an antenna output. The constellation modulator for Year parameter is used for triangulation of the seen sky. This is in short as how my approach for future of telecommunication technologies will work.