Compositor reached the fastest bpm in music sequencer

Compositor reached the fastest bpm in music sequencer

8192 is the number of beats per minute Compositor AV Extended radio channel reached in Compostior v9.0.2 Hypervisor. The number is not taken random. It is 2^13 and forms 13 bits of first hextet of IPv6-address. The next 3 bits are taken from the multiplier. So, yes now Compositor officially supports IPv6 addresses. For this, auxiliary speeds of up to 214 omega reached, which is 14 omega larger than highest generic protocol deployment speed.

Compositor v9.0.2 a8
Compositor v9.0.2 Hypervisor (Mainframe)

Now, all generics assigned to protocols. Here is the full list of Compositor v9.0.2 Hypervisor supported protocols:

RTC4k = RIPv1
RTC8k = RIPv2
RT-z8 = OSPF
RT-z16 = OSPFv3
RT-z32 = BGP
RT-z64 = RIPng
RT-z128 = EIGRP

Compositor v9.0.2 a10
Compositor v9.0.2 Hypervisor (TCP/IP window)

As you can see, it is a major achievement in revealing Compositor technology, which stems in its implementation as Ethernet router software, namely Compositor RTOS.